Debian is by far my best choice for a server as I love the stability and dependability. As per Debian lists announcement ,the will release Debian 10.1 on 7th of September 2019. Along with this there is going to be a release for Debian 9.10 as well. As per official Debian , they will try to release a stable release every 2 months . The release was delayed because of the Debian conference 2019
Debian 10 released earlier had the following included.
Desktop Environments (Debian 10)
- Cinnamon 3.8
- GNOME 3.30
- KDE Plasm 5.14
- LXDE 0.99.2
- LXQt 0.14
- MATE 1.20
- Xfce 4.12
- Linux kernel 4.19 (from 4.9)
- systemd 241 (from 232)
Web Servers
- Apache 2.4.38 (from 2.4.25)
- nginx 1.14 (from 1.10)
Programming Languages
- Go 1.11 (from 1.7)
- Node.js 10.15.2 (from 4.8.2)
- PHP 7.3 (from 7.0)
- Python 3.7.2 (from 3.5.3)
- Ruby 2.5 (from 2.3)
- Rust 1.34 (from 1.24)
- MariaDB 10.3 (from 10.1)
- PostgreSQL 11 (from 9.6)
Lets wait and see what 10.1 will bring